According to the Beeb's Nick Robinson, Gordo's announcement to have a focus group look at whether to upgrade cannabis back to Grade B, is a woo at the Daily Hate's editor, as him and 'Butters' Cameron fight it out for their backing.
Whodathunk that something which is on the tip of everyone's tongue, and is probably one of the most offended laws (after song downloading, or driving offences, i would imagine), could actually decide who wins the next election?
I have been told by many people, that the only time they would vote would be for the person who legalises weed, and I imagine that there are enough children of the 60s liberalism (and Thatcher's libetarianism - much as she herself maligned it) to be a large section of the voting public. In fact, if politics was up with public opinion, and cannabis was legalised twenty years ago, I would imagine that cocaine and ecstasy would be at the position where cannibis is now, given their widespread use among eighteen to thirty five year olds.
Whodathunk that something which is on the tip of everyone's tongue, and is probably one of the most offended laws (after song downloading, or driving offences, i would imagine), could actually decide who wins the next election?
I have been told by many people, that the only time they would vote would be for the person who legalises weed, and I imagine that there are enough children of the 60s liberalism (and Thatcher's libetarianism - much as she herself maligned it) to be a large section of the voting public. In fact, if politics was up with public opinion, and cannabis was legalised twenty years ago, I would imagine that cocaine and ecstasy would be at the position where cannibis is now, given their widespread use among eighteen to thirty five year olds.
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