Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Wembley wimply plods on

BBC SPORT | Football | Wembley dropped for FA Cup final
So another big project's completion is behind schedule.
Wembley will not be ready for the F.A. Cup final in early May.
It follows such examples as the Millenium Dome, the Athens Olympics, the Milennium Bridge, and others.
Why do big companies set these targets, and then don't begin working on them for ages?
For example, a large part of East London has been earmarked as the site for the 2012 Olympics... why don't they get there arses in gear and start working on it.
No doubt they won't start until about 2010, and work will not be completed on time. Contrast that to Paris' bid, where all the potential locations were already completed before they started to bid.
Of course, Wembley's bid was hardly helped by the fact most of the workers had been betting AGAINST it being complete, as the Scum revealed today.
I would actually be surprised if the stadium was ready for the Charity Shield match in August. But all it means is that Cardiff's stunning Millenium Stadium gets another one-up on it's London rival by hosting the event.

Students aren't really pissheads, you know

BBC NEWS | Magazine | Students swap pints for pilates
So students don't drink anymore... well not as much as the stereotype would have you believe. It's true, and the reason... lack of funds...
You don't have money to go out, you want money to go out, you get a job, your job involves working when you want to go out, because pubs are among the very few places that will still hire students.
Its a Catch 22.

Monday, February 20, 2006

To you Apple Mac-doubters, the next step

YouTube - Crazy Multi-Input Touch Screen
The rumours are circulating in reputable sources (such as this), that this is the next generation of Apple Macs are going to be capable of. It reminds you of the film Minority Report, and most of you are still stuck on virus-ridden Windows.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Our dependence on electricity

I'm living in student halls at the minute, and this morning the electricity inexplicably went off before I got up. As always happens when the electric goes off, everyone realises how much we depend on it.
And too fucking right we are to do so.
Some stupid inbreds think that living without the electric shows us how grateful we should be of our situation in life. Bollocks! Has anyone ever tried to see how long it takes to boil water without an electric kettle. About fifteen minutes, and that is not an exaggeration.
Electricity is an example of Darwinism coming into force, as humans further their supremacy on the planet. We should be proud to depend on it.

Rats and Pigeons

Rats and Pigeons
I have been informed of this website, and I must say I am impressed. It is an amateur photographic project about the underbelly of London, for those that are only subjected to the tourist side of the city.
I particularly like the graf of the rat about half way down this page.
Check it out.