Saturday, February 18, 2006

Our dependence on electricity

I'm living in student halls at the minute, and this morning the electricity inexplicably went off before I got up. As always happens when the electric goes off, everyone realises how much we depend on it.
And too fucking right we are to do so.
Some stupid inbreds think that living without the electric shows us how grateful we should be of our situation in life. Bollocks! Has anyone ever tried to see how long it takes to boil water without an electric kettle. About fifteen minutes, and that is not an exaggeration.
Electricity is an example of Darwinism coming into force, as humans further their supremacy on the planet. We should be proud to depend on it.

Rats and Pigeons

Rats and Pigeons
I have been informed of this website, and I must say I am impressed. It is an amateur photographic project about the underbelly of London, for those that are only subjected to the tourist side of the city.
I particularly like the graf of the rat about half way down this page.
Check it out.

Friday, February 17, 2006

I could eat a knob at night

In response to a question about reality TV shows contestants being forced to eat certain animal's penises, Karl Pilkington said that while he would be put off by the though of digesting said cuisine in the morning, he "could eat a knob at night." Ricky Gervais, interviewing, remarked that this line would be great on a dance track, and thus, hundreds of dance tracks sampling this have sprung up over the internet. This is one of my favourites, although the most famous one seems to be by DJ Reacharound. I am quite annoyed I am unable to download the MP3 of this file, so if you see that the 'download' button is live, please let me know.
The source of the quip is Ricky Gervais' podcast, which can be found on Guardian Unlimited's site (or simply, and follow the obvious links). It is apparently the world's biggest podcast. Be part of it.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Find the Truth About Anyone : Do It Yourself Detective

WebSherlock.Cok - Find the Truth About Anyone : Do It Yourself Detective
I don't know how many people click on the links that google provide, but curiosity got the better of me.
I clicked here websherlock.c om/, which is basically every detail of your life, availble to anyone who wants a wee nosey (at least that's what it's advertised as).
Lovely to know how vehemently privacy is guarded these days!

UK's 'sobering' climate forecast

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | UK's 'sobering' climate forecast
I never fail to be disappointed by the environmentalists' lobbying for public attention.
In a horror revelation, Britain could be subject to 'tropical' climes if we don't recycle more.
Is that supposed to be a deterrent from fossil fuels? Half the country escapes to the tropics whenever they have a chance, because it is too frigging cold, why would they want to be encouraged to prevent this country getting warmer.
And, genuinely worrying, we will be subject to sever flooding, but not until the year 3000 apparently.
If this was the case, why would anyone care (apart from the fact it would be fulfilling the prophetical lyrics of a Busted song).
Why did the lobbyists not highlight the fact that flooding in Britain has become frighteningly frequent in recent years , and increasingly dangerous (think of Boswall in Cornwall in 2004).
Or the fact that 2005 was an extremely busy year for hurricanes and tornadoes in the United States, Katrina and Rita being two clear examples.
This recent attempt at fear-mongoring is so remote that it will not mean anything to anyone, and thus have no affect.