Saturday, March 04, 2006

Would a dictatorship be all THAT bad?: Sleepwalking into a dictatorship? I told you so!

Would a dictatorship be all THAT bad?: Sleepwalking into a Bliarite dictatorship? I told you so!

I know that I wrote the blog that this link originated from, but I think this issue is so important I'm going to start plugging it at every opportunity. Tony B. Liar is basically hi-jacking every institutional instrument in the country that prevents a dictatorship.

I was considering starting a chain-mail on the subject, considering all the absolute bollocks that I hear about in emails. (bottled kittens, and poor fictitious children spring to mind). Although, considering all the bollocks that gets forwarded, I don't actually think that anyone bothers reading emails anymore, and just mindlessly forwards them.

Apathy at work.

Just remember, all that is needed for evil people to thrive, is for good people to do nothing.

1 comment:

James said...

I have no idea about what the fuck you just said...