My Bebo page has inexplicably garnered a pagerank of 3/10/. This is despite the fact that my profile has only been visited 3541 times.
Don't get me wrong - if got 3541 hits, I would be laughing (I'd be surprised if it was anywhere near 30 hits - if you take away my hits...[sniff].) However, Lily Allen's Official Bebo page, which also has a 3/10 pagerank has 119651 hits.
I really don't know where my high ranking is coming from, and it makes me question the validity of the ranking system. I have outgoing links from the page to YouTube (through my flashbox), but all other links, incoming, or outgoing, are internal within Bebo, from my friends, most of whom have a pagerank of 0/10, or 1/10.
Even more bizarrely, the PageRank of my Bebo Blog, is 5/10.
Technorati Tags:, PageRank, Google, LilyAllen, YouTube, blog, Internet
Don't get me wrong - if got 3541 hits, I would be laughing (I'd be surprised if it was anywhere near 30 hits - if you take away my hits...[sniff].) However, Lily Allen's Official Bebo page, which also has a 3/10 pagerank has 119651 hits.
I really don't know where my high ranking is coming from, and it makes me question the validity of the ranking system. I have outgoing links from the page to YouTube (through my flashbox), but all other links, incoming, or outgoing, are internal within Bebo, from my friends, most of whom have a pagerank of 0/10, or 1/10.
Even more bizarrely, the PageRank of my Bebo Blog, is 5/10.
Technorati Tags:, PageRank, Google, LilyAllen, YouTube, blog, Internet
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